Dr. Carrie Knott

P.O. Box 469
348 University Drive
Princeton, KY 42445
Last Revised: Mar 20th, 2025
Professional Biography
Grain Crop Agronomist at Princeton (Since 2013)
Extension Publications
Grain Crop Research Publications
- Snyder, E., C. Knott, D. Van Sanford and M. Salmeron. 2016. Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of VRN and PPD Alleles in Soft Red Winter Wheat. Abstract. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Phoenix AZ. Nov 6-9, 2016
- Swiggart, E., C. Knott, and J. Grove. 2016. Could Winter Annual Crop Increase No-Till Double-Crop Soybean Yield in Kentucky? Abstract. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Phoenix AZ. Nov 6-9, 2016
- Knott, C.A., J. Herbek, and J. James. 2015. Kentucky’s Soybean Yield Contest’s Role in Revising Planting Date Recommendations. Abstract. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Minneapolis MN. Nov 15-18, 2015
- Knott, C.A., D.A. Van Sanford, E.L. Ritchey, and E. Swiggart. 2015. Wheat yield response and plant structure following increased nitrogen rates and plant growth regulator applications. Crop, Forage &Turfgrass Management. 2(1): 1-7. Doi:10.2134/cftm2015.0202
- Ritchey, E.L., C.A. Knott, and L.W. Murdock. 2015. Potential nitrogen loss from frozen soil nitrogen application in wheat. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 1(1):1-3. doi:10.2134/cftm2014.0054.
- Knott, C.A., D.A. Van Sanford, and E.J. Souza. 2009. Genetic variation and the effectiveness of early-generation selection for soft winter wheat quality and gluten strength. Crop Science 49:113-119
- Knott, C.A., D.A. Van Sanford, and E.J. Souza. 2008. Comparison of selection methods for the development of white-seeded lines from red x white soft winter wheat crosses. Crop Science 48:1807-1816.
- Dill-Macky, R., D. Van Sanford, and C.A. Knott. 2014. Examination of commercial grain samples to ascertain how deoxynivalenol contamination exceeded anticipated levels in some 2014 wheat crops from western Kentucky. Abstract. Nordic-Baltic Fusarium Seminar. Helsinki, Finland. Nov 18-19, 2014
Other Resources
- Twitter (@KyGrains)
- Grain Crops Update (graincrops.blogspot.com)
- Wheat Science Website (http://wheatscience.ca.uky.edu/)